Limited-Edition Physical Copy


SGD 38.00
Check-In 2024

The e-version of CHECK-IN 2024 is an open-access resource. It is available for reading online now at the link. The print version of CHECK-IN 2024 will be ready in mid-July. This year, we have doubled the print run, and reduced the price to SGD38. A total of 300 copies are available, each with a unique “ticket number” e.g. 1/300, 300/300. Please consider buying a print copy to support the efforts that go into the making of CHECK-IN 2024.

In the fourth edition of CHECK-IN, you can look forward to stories about art and its publics, the evolution of art publications and media companies, transnational practices, the future of residencies, and other developments in the Southeast Asian art ecosystem.

Adeena Mey, Aung Ko, Chloe Ho, Clara Che Wei Peh, Daehyung Lee, Dan N. Tran, Hằng Nguyễn, Ian Tee, John McDonald, Keziah Lim, Leslie de Chavez, LIR (Dito Yuwono and Mira Asriningtyas), Lisa Movius, Nadya Wang, Ng Siang Ping, Putra Hidayatullah, Regina De Rozario, Sadiah Boonstra, Tan Zi Hao, Tessa Maria Guazon and more.

Angelle Siyang-Le, Aung Ko, Eri Takane, Celine Wong Katzman, Maria Madeira, May Adadol Ingawanij, Nge Lay, Noh Jae-Myung, Roobina Karode, Sanitas Pradittasnee, Sendy Widjaja, Yuto Yabumuto and more.

Artists featured in “Fresh Faces”:
Aki Hassan, Eng Rithchandaneth, Faye Pamintuan, Maharani Mancanagara, Mutiara Riswari, Ryan Lim Zi Yi, Saroot Supasuthivech, Nguyễn Xuân Lam.


0. Fresh Faces

Artists share a work in progress and reflect on the past year

1. From the Studio

Practitioners reflect on current issues and research interests

2. Holding Space

Observations on art and its publics, as well as modes of art education

3. Beyond Southeast Asia

Spotlight on transnational artistic and curatorial practices

4. Business Practices

Insights on novel/ sustainable models for commercial ventures, art media and residencies

5. The Road Ahead

Projections into the future of art ecosystems 

Project Timeline

March: Writing

Call for essay proposals, and commission content from established and emerging writers

April: Editing

Edit writing and secure image rights

May: Designing

Design and proof-read publication

Mid-June: Early Preview

Launch e-publication of CHECK-IN 2024

End June: Public access

Make e-publication available to all

Thank you for your contribution to Check-In!

If you would like to make a contribution of another value or in kind, please contact us at

If you are interested in contributing ideas to CHECK-IN, we would love to hear from you too.

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SGD 50.00
SGD 50.00