August Round-Up
Gajah Gallery, A+ Works of Art, Wei-Ling Gallery, Matca and IC Visual Lab, Yeo Workshop, Ateneo Art Gallery, ShanghART Gallery, ILHAM Gallery
December Round-Up
Stranger(’s) Touch, Baik Art, Kutxa Kultur Artegunea, ACM, ILHAM Gallery, NGS
June Round-Up
136 GOETHE LAB, National Gallery Singapore, ATTA Gallery, Jamestown Arts Center, Mizuma Gallery, 100 Tonson Foundation, ILHAM Gallery
Art & Market 'Fresh Take' Writing Contest
Seeking fresh perspectives on Southeast Asian Art
ILHAM collaborations with The Factory and SAM
Ang Song Nian, Woong Soak Teng, Fitri Ya’akob
'Chia Yu Chian: Private Lives' at ILHAM Gallery
The underbelly of Kuala Lumpur through a painter's eyes